the BREATH and FASCIA – SEPTEMBER 15, 2024.


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Sunday September 15, 2024
instructed by Randal Persad RMT, MEd, PhD student

This is a one-day, practical & experiential, in-person workshop

The course expands on and explores the Inter-Jurisdictional Practice Competencies and Performance Indicators for Massage Therapists at Entry-to-Practice; Modalities and Techniques Section: 3.2p. This competency states: Direct client/ patient in diaphragmatic breathing. The workshop offers both theorical and practical foundations for applying breathing and fascial engagement methodologies when working with clients who present with respiratory complaints such as asthma, bronchitis, and long Covid symptoms. Other complaints that may benefit include general anxiety, headaches, chronic pain, sleep disturbances, gastrointestinal irritation and blood pressure.This workshop is particularity suitable for  manual therapists including Registered Massage Therapists, Physiotherapists, Chiropractors, and Kinesiologists.

  • review the latest and relevant respiratory and fascial research findings;
  • discuss the intimate relationship between the respiratory and the fascial physiologic systems;
  • spend focused time on breathing practices that intersects and facilitates fascial engagement;
  • explore ways of incorporating breath and fascia practices into clinical practice;
  • cultivate breathing and fascial unfolding practices as an important self-care modality

Randy Persad, educator and RMT, brings over 33 years of experience in the health care profession.  He continues his education in many areas, including manual therapies, anatomy & physiology, Cannabis physiology, and he has a special interest in the science and physiology of breathing, relaxation and fascial physiology, anatomy and mobilization practices. To this end he has studied Cadaver dissection, attended various fascial special education courses and conferences, and has certification in Biofeedback, Breathing Analaysis, and Mindfulness & Happiness Practices . He began teaching myofascial CECs in the early 2000s to practitioners across Canada and continues to push the boundaries of myofascial therapy. He embraces eastern Vedic practices of yoga, breath awareness, deep relaxation and a vegetarian lifestyle to maintain his health and spiritual balance. He lives in Burnaby BC.


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