We have many things in place to keep both our staff & participants as safe as possible, doing our best to mitigate any risks of COVID-19 (Coronavirus).
The following is a list of new protocols that are to be followed during any event/course being hosted at Bodhi Tree Teaching Centre until further notice.
When you arrive for your workshop, you will be asked to review the signage on the door prior to entry– please read through this checklist prior to entering the clinic. Once you enter the space you may place your belongings in the indicated area and then proceed to wash your hands thoroughly. Hand sanitizer will be available in several locations within the classroom as well for ongoing use.
Masks! Everyone entering the centre must be wearing a mask until such time it is no longer necessary. Each participant and teacher has the right to feel safe when proceeding with the workshop. We will NOT be providing masks to you. You will be REQUIRED to bring your own mask, cloth or otherwise for each day.
All TOUCH SURFACES will be sanitized using a cleaning agent that is on the Disinfectants for Use Against SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19) list
Safety protocols being utilized at the centre are posted throughout the clinic. Everything is transparent for you to feel comfortable and to know that we are taking this very seriously and are implementing many precautions, sanitization protocols & thoughtful procedures every day. If you need further information on this, don’t hesitate to ask. You will see a clearly visible Cleaning Log on our cork board for your reference.
You will be asked to sign a Liability Waiver at your first course upon our re-opening. Although we are following all requirements & any recommendations that are suited for our setting, no-one can 100% guarantee that the virus is not present or being transmitted. We want all parties to understand that there is an inherent risk present with the close contact that we have with each other and that it is your decision to proceed with any treatment you are there for with the full understanding that we are following all requirements as per the Provincial Health Officer as well as our respective governing Colleges.
Here’s a point-form breakdown of what you can expect during a course as well as some recommendations to help us create the best environment & experience for you.
- Prior to any course, we ask that you complete the BC Covid-19 Self-Assessment within 24 hours of your course https://bc.thrive.health/covid19app
- All treatment tables, common areas, touch surfaces & more will be thoroughly cleaned prior to the start of each day.
- Masks will be worn upon entry & until everyone is settled at their designated seat for any lecture or classroom discussion (you must bring your own mask)
- Masks can be removed once you are at your designated seat, as adequate spacing will be provided, but masks will be donned again for any treatment exchange practice
- Hands (everyone’s) will be washed regularly during the day upon entry, prior to touching anyone for practical exchange, before & after eating or if any other touch surfaces have been contacted
- Teachers will be limited to how much “hands-on” assessment & guidance they can give; they will wash hands prior to working with one pair, then wash again before moving to another table.Expect more feedback to be given WITHOUT teachers touching anyone to increase our availability to as many as possible.
- Number of participants will be limited to ensure adequate spacing in each course
- Cleaning supplies will be available for anyone to use if needed during the day.Example, you use a pillow for treatment exchange, it should be cleaned prior to being put back in its storage bin. Everyone helping with this is encouraged J
- Any other protocol that is added to this list will be reviewed at the start of each day.
- This list may be changed at any time and all participants will be notified of such changes.